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  • star wars quilt
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April 7, 2023
Star Wars COMPLETE from Wedding Dress Blue

The quilt for the son-of-the-granddaughter-of-my-husband’s-mother’s-best-friend is complete. That small amount (less than 1/4 yard) of Star Wars fabric is now a 49″ square quilt suitable for cuddling.

The minkee back both shows off the quilting and makes it a good snuggle.

The Kona Blueberry background fabric isn’t my usual choice, but it works in this case, because it doesn’t compete with the white in the print.

I am pleased with the bold, graphic results. It will soon be in the mail to a galaxy far, far away (Georgia) where we (husband and I) hope it ...

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March 18, 2023
A New Project from Wedding Dress Blue

Starting a new baby quilt. This one for the son-of-the-granddaughter-of-my-husband’s-mother’s-best-friend. Of course.

I had a few small pieces, each 9″ x 18″, of Star Wars fabric. What to do?

Cut them smaller…

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January 20, 2022
Storm Trooper from Night Owl Quilting

This Storm Trooper quilt was made by Crystal for her teenaged son.  It is dramatic and awesome!  I am not a Stars Wars fan, but I can appreciate how much this quilt will be loved by someone who is.  Below you can see this quilt on my queen sized bed.

There isn't a commercial pattern for this quilt.  Crystal got out her graph paper and pencil crayons and drew it out referencing images she saw online.  She has already had requests from other family members for one of their own!

This quilt was dramatic and perfect in its unquilted ...

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  • star wars quilt
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